Mining patch planner

by rimbas

Adds a planner that designs a mining drill layout for a resource patch.

17 days ago
Mining Blueprints

i ore patch support

7 months ago

hey, I love the mod, it's really great for simple ore fields. how feasible would it be to support deep mining ore patches?
Essentially, I'm playing Exotic Industries right now and it has a mechanic called ore patches. it essentially behaves like an oil patch but at the same time works like uranium. essentially, taking in liquid and outputting ore. looks like this
there's also a mod called P.U.M.P that supports oil patches but it doesn't quite support this.
would be awesome to marry these 2 mods :D

7 months ago

Sorry but it's out of scope to implement support for those patches. It's way different in mechanics than what I'm doing to create layouts for simple ores.

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