
by therax

Compact and UPS-friendly 1x1 loaders. Works with train cargo wagons, circuits, filters, and modded belts from Bob's, Krastorio, FactorioExtended Plus, Space Exploration, and Ultimate Belts.

1 year, 10 days ago
0.15 - 1.1

g Stack size bonus?

4 years ago

How are miniloaders affected by stack size bonus? I know they're implemented as inserters, but are they fast enough that stack size never makes a difference? I see in the UI there's the normal inserter option for overriding the stack size, does that actually do anything? Great mod btw

4 years ago

They are unaffected by stack size bonus. Any change you make in the GUI is ignored. They always move items one at a time, but the inserters are fast enough to keep up with the matching belt at full speed.

4 years ago

Okay that's what I figured from testing it briefly. You say that they move items one at a time, does that properly scale to modded belt speeds that move more than one item per tick (more than 60 items per game-second)?

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

Yes, by using more than one inserter per lane, up to an absolute maximum of 8 inserters per lane, or 16 inserters per miniloader.

There is an option in the mod settings to use larger stack sizes instead, and you can try to experiments with that. Using larger stack sizes improve UPS but make for some strange behavior with filters and in some other circumstances.

4 years ago

Got it, thanks for the info!

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