
by therax

Compact and UPS-friendly 1x1 loaders. Works with train cargo wagons, circuits, filters, and modded belts from Bob's, Krastorio, FactorioExtended Plus, Space Exploration, and Ultimate Belts.

1 year, 10 days ago
0.15 - 1.1

g Two quick questions about this mod

4 years ago

First, what is the chute? Is this just a really early and slow entry version of the yellow/red/blue miniloaders?

Second, can the miniloaders empty a cargo wagon directly into a steel chest (for a buffer)? Currently I have to use two of these to do this seen here:

4 years ago

yeh ive always wondered why a miniloader is either an out OR an in. not both.

4 years ago

I read the changelog and got my answer on chutes: "Add chutes: very slow (1/4 yellow belt speed) grativy-fed miniloaders that work without power, for use in the early game."

4 years ago

If you don't want/need a buffer the miniloader can just feed a belt from a cargo train, there is not a requirement to have a miniloader feed a chest from a train.

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

By definition, a loader is something that removes items from an inventory and puts it on a belt, or vice versa. Thus to move items between two inventories, you need two loaders. Miniloaders are 1x1 footprint, but they are still loaders. It's a large improvement over e.g. Loader Redux, where you need 4 tiles to move items between two inventories, and of course Miniloaders are far more UPS efficient, can be used with circuit control, etc.

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