Military Extended deprecated

by Sigma1

Adds more military research and weapons with custom-made graphics.

8 years ago

i More shells?

8 years ago

Not sure what shells are in this mod, because I haven't used it yet. However, here's some names for you to start with (And some ideas!)

Bio-shells. (Shotgun form works.) By compressing the biological power of Alien Artifacts, we are able to make mid/high damage shells of similar damage to a Spitter. (Tiers, possibly? Tier 1 ~ Small spitter dmg, Tier 2 ~Med. etc.)

Graphene shells. Incredibly hard to get (Made from graphite, from carbon, used in coal. Idea: Coal->Graphite [Graphite = Crystalline Coal] And I heard sticking tape on graphite and removing it gets a one-atom-thick layer of graphene. Alien artifacts + coal = Graphene?) Yet also unbelievably strong! /q/In fact, it is the STRONGEST (Not hardest, that goes to diamond) material known to man. 200x as strong as steel. Elastic, like a rubber band, Lots of it, before breaking.//q// Everything between /q/ and //q// is a slightly edited version of info collected from the university of manchester's website, so graphene shells will have to be incredibly hard to get, and incredibly powerful. Suggested items to be used in recipe: 1 coal, 1 alien science = 10hm (micrometer) of graphene. 1000hm = 1mm, 1000mm = 1 meter of graphene. 1mm of graphene could be used for a bullet, and a few more for shotgun shells.

8 years ago

I like these ideas! I might make two types of acid shells instead of bio shells; Bioacid shells made from alien thingys and normal acid shells made from sulfur acid. The sulfur shells will probably be weaker as they're cheaper.

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