Methane processing

by Pithlit

Provides alternative methods of Plastic and Battery production based on methane instead of oil. Methane can be created from water and carbon dioxide.

4 years ago
0.15 - 0.17

b "Disable oil recipes" option does not always work

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)

Edit: Looks to be resolved in 0.4.5! Thanks!

I was wondering where my oil barrels were, haha!

Once the "Disable oil recipes" option has been set, it can't be disabled because data.lua is checking if the option exists instead of its value:

The line in data.lua:
if settings.startup["disable-oil-recipes"] then
should be:
if settings.startup["disable-oil-recipes"] ~= nil and settings.startup["disable-oil-recipes"].value then

New response