Market deprecated

by OwnlyMe

4 years ago
0.17 - 0.18

b Selling don't work

4 years ago

Selling chest won't work. After first buying then selling with chest, selling chest stop working and selling in inventory too.
Sorry for my English :)

4 years ago

can't reproduce

4 years ago

if this problem persists, consider sending me your save game

4 years ago

Here is my test save file:

In first selling is working. But, when I buy any item with chest then change for selling, the selling don't work anymore except for raw ores and wood. I downloaded new factorio zip and added only your mods.

4 years ago

It happens roughly 3 hours 30 minutes into a save game for me, usually closer to 3 hours 50 mins
i used performance mode and a max recipe depth of 55

4 years ago

Market 0.18.31 working correctly :)

4 years ago
(updated 4 years ago)


4 years ago

in the save you sent me everything works perfectly, i also tried switching to buying, with or without actually buying some stuff and switching back to selling, just can't manage to break it.

4 years ago

please send me a save where it already doesn't work.

4 years ago

Sorry I send you save file on 0.18.31 where everything is working. Here is save from latest 0.18.33. After load you must by something from chest then change it to sell. Selling is working only on base items like ores and wood. Every other item is not sellable.

4 years ago

nope.. still can't reproduce.
can you send a save game where it already doesn't work please?

4 years ago

Apparently when you by ores. Let's say you by iron ore then switch to selling. Try then to sell plates for example.
I can't send you file with bug because when you load a save everything is working.

4 years ago

ahh now we're talking :) i'll figure out a fix

4 years ago

I managed to reproduce bug. Here is save link
Also I noticed massive energy spikes when chest are used. Is there a way to reduce energy cost or to turn off?

4 years ago

fixed :)

4 years ago

on 0.18.31 everything is working correctly if that helps. Thank you for your response :)

4 years ago

thank you very much :)

New response