Market deprecated

by OwnlyMe

5 years ago
0.17 - 0.18

g Doesn't seem to do anything

5 years ago

My character GUI looks just like before. Is there supposed to be some hot key to activate it. Why is there not one scrap of information on how to use this mod?

5 years ago

if the recipes haven't been calculated it won't show up.
there should be a small window at the top displaying the calculation progress.

5 years ago

There was no such thing, but the buttons did eventually show up. I found them after I came back from lunch. It would nice to tell people about this in the description.

Next question: is there any way to specify how many I want to buy or sell? Thanks!

5 years ago

if the recipes haven't been calculated it won't show up.
there should be a small window at the top displaying the calculation progress.

At the top of what? The main landscape display, the map, the mini-map, the character GUI, a chest GUI, or what. It has been over 20 minutes, in a heavily-modded Factorio 0.17.72, and I can't find any sign of the Market mod.

Mods list:
almost all AAI except AAI Industries
Afraid of the Dark
Bob's: enemies, greenhouse, inserters, warfare, ores, MCI, library, logistics, plates, tech
Factorissimo 2
Angel's Warehouses
Even Distribution
More Minimap Autohide
QoL Research (aidiakapi's)

5 years ago

I noticed the calculation display at the top of the landscape upon loading a saved game. Still no buttons on the character inventory. Is there some hot key or command to activate it?

5 years ago

I've seen the green and red buttons appear for a while, and disappear a bit later in the same session.

New response