Market deprecated

by OwnlyMe

5 years ago
0.17 - 0.18

b game freaze when calculating large amount of items

5 years ago

I was trading this mod for the intergalactic trading company mod
but on a load of pre-made map game locked up completely at a calc of 1/3943 (thereabout for the total amount cause I thought looking at the number that it was nearly 4K)

P.S. I haven't tried to load a completely new world

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

enable the "performance mode" (in the startup settings) and let it calculate for 30 minutes^^
sorry but there's not much i can do for you.
(a few prices might be incorrect then, though..)

5 years ago

Okay thanks will try

5 years ago

would not work even when setting recipe depth to 20 (it was at a default of 100)

5 years ago

even in a new game, it locks up so tight that it is effectively frozen and the approx [a quick glance, as I had to end the game from task manager] number of recipes that it wants to calculate is 3505.

5 years ago

it just struggles with the huge amount of subrecipes you have.
I'll see if there's another solution to this.

5 years ago

Perhaps a flow rate of how many recipes calculations at once or a rate per tick(s)

5 years ago

Now it should process much faster

5 years ago

working great now but i notice a hiccup whilst looking in the buy menu that causes that GUI to close the hotfix for me at the moment is to close my inv and reopen it again not sure if it is related to the number of mods I have running but one thing I noted is that with crafting time accounting for item price is that if your character crafting speed is increased the price gets dropped but selling price is not so i found a financial dupe but that is from the instant crafting mod and as it is fast crafting but not free

5 years ago

The buying used prices from the market db, the selling individually recalculated the price, but had a wrong price for unknown resources. i'll fix that immediately.

New response