Update of the Map Reveal Tool:
Original by shadoworld56 (https://mods.factorio.com/mod/MapRevealTool)
Improved by royvanempel (https://mods.factorio.com/mod/MapRevealToolFaster)
This version works with Factorio 2.0 (Space Age)
Map Reveal Tool. Adds a shortcut selector tool to reveal the selected section of the map.
Click the Map Reveal Tool and make a selection area to reveal a section of the map.
Warning : This mod forces the game to generate any un-generated chunks selected and can drastically increase the size of your save.
Special thanks to Ore Eraser by CaptainWHot : https://mods.factorio.com/mod/OreEraser for reference on setting up the selection tool.
Feel free to modify or update this mod as desired.