A collection of tweaks to recipes and gameplay to improve playing with lots of mods enabled.
Providing the player with new tools or adjusting the game interface, without fundamentally changing gameplay.
Version: 0.0.3 Date: 19. 08. 2019 Features: - cargo-ships & space-exploration: Prevent all non-"space" fish from spawning in space.
Version: 0.0.2 Date: 24. 07. 2019 Features: - base: Rocks (and rock like entities, i.e. from alien-biomes) slowly regenerate health over time (1 hp every 600 ticks). - base: Logistic Request/Buffer chests have +6 additional request slots. - boblogistics: Requester/Buffer Chests MK2 and MK3 have +6 request slots. - angelsindustries: Big Requester Chests have +12 request slots. - angelsaddons-warehouses: Request/Buffer Silos have +24 request slots, Warehouses have +36.
Version: 0.0.1 Date: 23. 07. 2019 Features: - aai-industry: When using the Fuel Processor and 'bobsplates' and 'angelspetrochem' are present, remove the (Bob's / 7x Solid Carbon -> 3x Processed Fuel from Carbon) recipe in favour of using the (3x Angel's / Carbon -> 2x Processed Fuel from Carbon) recipe. This makes the upgrade chain properly enrich the fuel value from 9MJ to 10MJ instead of operating at a loss. - cargo-ships: Make *all* fish non-collidable.