Mack's Tweaks

by Mack

A collection of tweaks to recipes and gameplay to improve playing with lots of mods enabled.

4 years ago


Version: 0.0.3
Date: 19. 08. 2019

    - cargo-ships & space-exploration: Prevent all non-"space" fish from spawning in space.
Version: 0.0.2
Date: 24. 07. 2019

    - base: Rocks (and rock like entities, i.e. from alien-biomes) slowly regenerate health over time (1 hp every 600 ticks).
    - base: Logistic Request/Buffer chests have +6 additional request slots.
    - boblogistics: Requester/Buffer Chests MK2 and MK3 have +6 request slots.
    - angelsindustries: Big Requester Chests have +12 request slots.
    - angelsaddons-warehouses: Request/Buffer Silos have +24 request slots, Warehouses have +36.
Version: 0.0.1
Date: 23. 07. 2019

    - aai-industry: When using the Fuel Processor and 'bobsplates' and 'angelspetrochem' are present, remove the (Bob's / 7x Solid Carbon -> 3x Processed Fuel from Carbon) recipe in favour of using the (3x Angel's / Carbon -> 2x Processed Fuel from Carbon) recipe. This makes the upgrade chain properly enrich the fuel value from 9MJ to 10MJ instead of operating at a loss.
    - cargo-ships: Make *all* fish non-collidable.