RPG Items

63 items, 30 effects, lots of fun! Author: OwnlyMe Modified by ZwerOxotnik Anyone can translate the mod on Crowdin. https://crowdin.com/project/factorio-mods-localization

a month ago
1.1 - 2.0

g Is there a way to sell or reset items?

a month ago

With SA the items that generate materials are problematic/annoying since you need a clear inventory to ride rockets.

Maybe a setting to disable this feature or a way to reset your items for a cost penalty or something? Or that already exists and I missed it. Thanks!

a month ago

Oof, didn't realize simply right clicking would sell the item. I've edited most items that generate materials to not, so selling and rebuying did the trick. My bad!

a month ago

But also a setting to to disable all giveitem's seems like a decent idea anyway!

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