RPG Items

63 items, 30 effects, lots of fun! Author: OwnlyMe Modified by ZwerOxotnik Anyone can translate the mod on Crowdin. https://crowdin.com/project/factorio-mods-localization

a month ago
1.1 - 2.0

b quite some bugs

3 years ago

few things i found:
1. you cannot buy "bonus slot", nothing happens when you click on it
2. the aura of "flame cloak" doesn't seem to be working at all, can't turn it on - works fine unless you reload, apparently this bug was in the original mod
3. you can buy "book of amnesia" but it doesn't do anything - same as flame cloak
4?. i'm not sure whether crits actually deal increased damage - even with spineripper they don't seem to deal any extra damage.(not sure about this tho)
5. item price multiplier doesn't affect "bonus slot" price
6. if you start a world, buy book of amnesia or flame cloak without reloading, then save and reload, the game crashes when you try to use them

thanks for updating the mod!

3 years ago

Thank you for the info. I'll check later.

you cannot buy "bonus slot", nothing happens when you click on it

Did you try to right-click it?

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

if you start a world, buy book of amnesia or flame cloak without reloading, then save and reload, the game crashes when you try to use them

Ah, yeah... If I remember correctly, mods can't store functions in global anymore.

(Damn, so many uses of that)

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

Apparently, the mod isn't safe for multiplayer mode. Probably, I'll fix it not so soon, but I'll make hot-fixes today to avoid crashes.

3 years ago

Did you try to right-click it?

Don't know why i didn't try that, it works. Thank you!

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

Published new version: https://mods.factorio.com/mod/m-rpg_items/downloads

  • "Book of amnesia" works fine now
  • Fixed crushes with items and inactive consumables
  • Changed potions
  • The mod seems stable for multiplayer now
3 years ago

Thanks a lot for your effort!

New response