Multiplayer Trading (works with EasyAPI)

Forces can buy and sell items for credits via buy-boxes and sell-boxes. Also has Land Claim, Specializations and Early Bird Technology. Author: Luke Perkin. Modified by ZwerOxotnik Anyone can translate the mod on Crowdin.

a month ago
0.17 - 2.0

a Lost recipes

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)
/c __m-multiplayertrading__     local specializations = global.specializations     for force_name, force in pairs(game.forces) do         local recipes =         for spec_name, _force_name in pairs(specializations)  do             if _force_name == force_name then                 recipes[spec_name].enabled = true             end         end     end

Use this command above. There are many conflicts with many mods, so the fix in the mod won't help because of some mods and I have to figure out loading order for each mod + affects.

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