Logistic Cargo Wagon

Cargo wagons which can directly request items from, and provide items to, the logistic network. Configure items to request and provide at each station for each logistic cargo wagon, allowing flexibility in unloading on curves, changing train length easily without building infrastructure, and further boost loading and unloading rate through robot speed research.

4 years ago
0.16 - 1.1
Logistic network

g Request works, provide dupes items

3 years ago

Request works as expected. Provide seems to replenish any "provided" items when the train leaves the stop. These replenished items don't appear to be counted in the request count so you end up with overflow dropping massive quantities of items on the ground.

Still useable, the workaround is anywhere that must be provided, use a filter inserter to pull from cargo into a provider chest with limited space.

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