Logistic Cargo Wagon

Cargo wagons which can directly request items from, and provide items to, the logistic network. Configure items to request and provide at each station for each logistic cargo wagon, allowing flexibility in unloading on curves, changing train length easily without building infrastructure, and further boost loading and unloading rate through robot speed research.

4 years ago
0.16 - 1.1
Logistic network


Version: 1.1.0
Date: 13. 12. 2020
    - Updated for 1.1
Version: 0.18.2
Date: 22. 02. 2020
    - Updated for 0.18.13 logistic changes
Version: 0.18.1
Date: 29. 01. 2020
    - 0.18 update
Version: 0.17.10
Date: 25. 08. 2019
    - Protect against errors when player permission group is nil; if you're unable to edit wagon changes after this update please send me a copy of your save on the mod portal
Version: 0.17.9
Date: 02. 05. 2019
    - Update for character name changes in 0.17.35
Version: 0.17.8
Date: 14. 04. 2019
    - Fix crash when wagons are on a train doing LTN-scheduled fluid delivery
Version: 0.17.7
Date: 13. 04. 2019
    - Fix validity check on item deliveries
Version: 0.17.6
Date: 06. 04. 2019
    - Fix crash when providing or requesting an item that's been removed from the game
Version: 0.17.5
Date: 24. 03. 2019
    - Make tech even easier with Robot World present and using their early research when available
Version: 0.17.4
Date: 16. 03. 2019
    - Prevent request count editing UI text fields from immediately resetting when the count is 0
Version: 0.17.3
Date: 15. 03. 2019
    - Update for event name changes in LTN 1.10.3
Version: 0.17.2
Date: 09. 03. 2019
    - Update for new mod event format in LTN 1.10.2
Version: 0.17.1
Date: 04. 03. 2019
    - Alter the technology cost to fit with the Robot World mod if it's also running
Version: 0.17.0
Date: 27. 2. 2019
    - Update for 0.17
Version: 0.16.6
Date: 19. 12. 2018
    - Use item-with-entity-data instead of just item type
Version: 0.16.5
Date: 4. 11. 2018
    - Integration with LTN - LTN-managed deliveries using logistic wagons will automatically request the items at the pickup station and drop them at the destination station
    - Stop using coins as an unload placeholder, instead keeping a stack of each item being delivered to allow for hybrid unloading
    - No longer bump mode on the train to refresh inactivity triggers - new placeholders handle this without side-effects
Version: 0.16.4
Date: 2. 11. 2018
    - Default to 1 stack for request slots other than the first
    - Display a flying text notification when items are spilled
Version: 0.16.3
Date: 18. 10. 2018
    - Transfer items from the proxy's quickbar to the train properly
Version: 0.16.2
Date: 3. 10. 2018
    - Remove proxy entities when trains leave stations, to prevent the wagons being extra-attractive to biters and robots chasing with deliveries, at the expense of extra entity create/delete
Version: 0.16.1
Date: 29. 9. 2018
    - When providing multiple items at a station, evenly rotate among the items configured when populating the trash slots instead of scanning the wagon's inventory sequentially
Version: 0.16.0
Date: 28. 9. 2018
    - Initial release