Logistic Cargo Wagon

Cargo wagons which can directly request items from, and provide items to, the logistic network. Configure items to request and provide at each station for each logistic cargo wagon, allowing flexibility in unloading on curves, changing train length easily without building infrastructure, and further boost loading and unloading rate through robot speed research.

3 years ago
0.16 - 1.1
Logistic network

g Items not being delivered

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

Mod list: https://i.imgur.com/Ux0VMKC.png

There were no problems at first and my train filled up accordingly but then after a while bots would deliver items but they wouldn't appear in the wagons.


I think this happens right after attaching a new cargo wagon to the train, you have to move the train and make it go to the station before it delivers items properly again

5 years ago

Yeah, that's right - currently it only sets up the delivery mechanism when it comes in to park at a station, so a wagon built after parking won't be functional just yet. I'm pretty sure I can work around this limitation now though, I'll look into it.

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