Logistic Artillery

by DiGra

The Logistic Artillery mod for Factorio allows you to complete the game without using trains. It has an easy-to-use interface and requires only steel, plastic, and explosives. The mod extends your logistic reach and prevents artillery from firing if the target net is full. There is a 200 limit of max count of logistic artillery. You can customize gameplay for you deepest wishes in mod settings

6 months ago

g Not compatible with SE?

6 months ago


the cannon vanishes when i place it on other surfaces / planets.
Any idea how to fix this?

6 months ago

Hey! Thanks for your feedback, appreciate it. Yes, 1.0.7 and below is not compatible with mods that use surfaces. However, I just released 1.0.8 version where fixed those issues. Now you can place artillery whatever place you want, even in Space or Warptorio floors. Btw, in fact artillery not actually vanished, it's wait for you to mine it somewhere on Nauvis :)

6 months ago


yeah, i thought so about the vanishing. great you acutally fixed it.

btw, i did some alteration to the shadows of the 2 entities, because they were way off.
did you already consider this or is this intended?

6 months ago

What do you mean by shadows? Build preview, ghosts?

6 months ago
(updated 6 months ago)

i mean the shadows of the buildings once they are build.
since you have a shift configured, it feels like they are flowing in the air.
The shadown shouldnt point downwards - just compare it to the normal artillery cannon.

Edit: you can even see it on the previews here in the portal - there is normally no building with a shadow below the building. therefor your building somehow seems to be off or to float in the air.

6 months ago

Oh yea, now I see. Thanks! I'll look into this

6 months ago

Hi! I just fixed shadows for artillery and net in 1.0.9. Thanks again for your feedback!

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