Light Artillery (Balanced) deprecated

Early game Light Artillery, balanced for vanilla. Credit to Kizrak for the original mod.

1 year, 11 months ago

g Slow Turning Rate

5 months ago

Hello, i had a question about this mod.
Is the slow ass turning rate on purpose? since i installed the balanced version i thought "damn, guess that's the price for early artillery" but i checked the other version and it was the same, is that a bug on both? or is it just the way to balance the fact that you get artillery so early? if so, would it be possible to buff it a bit? it just feels WAY to slow. Ty.

5 months ago

Yes, the slow turning speed of the artillery is intended. I created this "fork" mainly to adjust the range. Over time I tested the damage output on a deathworld, figured the damage was way too low, then forgot to change it. If you're looking for a better mod, I highly recommend Snip's Light Artillery as the shells actually do damage and with my limited testing is a large improvement over my implementation.

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