Let me laser down asteroids!

by marc40k

Reduces laser resistance on all asteroids, allowing laser turrets to be viable. Now electric damage is also allowed. Resistances have been gradually lowered, but every value is configurable in-game. See the attatched screenshot for the old and new values. The mod affects all asteroids with -small-, -medium-, -big- and -huge- within their names, so all vanilla asteroids (and maybe some modded asteroids?) should be covered.

a day ago

g Thank you

4 months ago

Thanks for this mod. I was horrified to find out that lasers were ineffective against asteroids. I'd built a big ship with reactors for power and then its lasers did little towards defense.

4 months ago

Thanks for this mod. I was horrified to find out that lasers were ineffective against asteroids. I'd built a big ship with reactors for power and then its lasers did little towards defense.

You're welcome! Please do let me know how the new resistance values work in regards to game balance. I've yet to test them myself in a proper game.

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