Leighzer's Buried Science

Adds resource patches you can directly mine science packs out of.

4 years ago
0.17 - 1.1

b doing nothing

5 years ago

in the map generation there is a tool to control the density, frecuency and size of each science ore patch, but then those ores wont be placed in the game, I looked everywhere and they dont show up

5 years ago

I have all bob's mods, and some others, that should not disturb any science related thing

5 years ago

Interesting! Is RSO being used? This mod isn't yet configured so patches won't get placed. Could very well be due to something else, thanks for pointing this out.

5 years ago

Yes, I have rso, forgot about it, could be that

5 years ago

ok, just checked, it Works without RSO

5 years ago

could you add compatibility with siumple endless resources, orr just add an option to make them unlimited?

I know its not really necesary, the patches are big enought, is just that I dont like haaving to move all my mining structure. If its too compclated dont bother, but if its easy please do it (I really dont know how hard it would be)

5 years ago

Hello, it appears the portal is having issues taking mod updates.

I have implemented a "make infinite" setting, that makes all science patches infinite (like crude oil) when set to true.

I have this version on this mod's github page.

You can download the zip.
Extract the zip.
Copy all of the contents of the Source folder.
Paste into a brand new folder called leighzerburiedscience_0.1.3
Then put the leighzerburiedscience_0.1.3 folder in your factorio mods folder. Should work!

5 years ago

A quick note this mod currently has quite a bit of issues. One pain I am encountering making mods to work with other mods is it is often a manual process. One big issue is locales can't be programmatically modified easily. This mod was my stab at doing things in a completely dynamic fashion, and it uncovered quite a few issues. I'll probably make a post and see if I can get the devs to weigh in on how manual mod making is (and some issues specifically with dynamically adding resources). If that fails, I'll add support manually for other mods on an in demand basis like I've been doing.

5 years ago

would it work to add the locales of any of the mods that add science to yours?

So if you're using bobs Angels, you'd grab the locales from bobs sciences etc?

5 years ago

Yes, that would work. Just a bit of a pain to have to do manually. Would prefer to write the code once, and already be compatible with other mods that add science. Another issue is if an outside mod updates, more manual work would be required to make sure locale is still correct etc.

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