Large Storage Tank

Adds a vanilla looking 5x5 storage tank with 100k capacity and 2 pipe connections on each side.

2 months ago
1.1 - 2.0
Fluids Storage

g issue pumping fluid

a month ago

Hi there. My large tank has 1.2m Petroleum gas in it but I can not get it out. If I place a pipe on one of the connections no fluid comes out and if I place a pump it only works at 5/s. This limits my throughput to 30/s due to the 5 open connections. Please let me know if you have any tips or I am doing something wrong. Thanks!

a month ago

This sounds very weird, can you send me your save ?

30 days ago

I'm also having the same issue, the liquid output flow rate is very slow, can this be improved

30 days ago

I don't have this issue, can you please send me your save file so that I can investigate?

30 days ago

I don't have this issue, can you please send me your save file so that I can investigate?

I've also encountered this problem, I sent you the archive, but this archive is relatively large, more than 100m,

29 days ago

I don't have this issue, can you please send me your save file so that I can investigate?

I've also encountered this problem, I sent you the archive, but this archive is relatively large, more than 100m,

Thank you, I am downloading it, I will try to check it later today. Could you maybe tell me a specific way to test the issue in your save?

29 days ago

Fill your tank with liquid, pump it out to the appliance or other tank, and see the flow rate of the pump

28 days ago

I don't have this issue, can you please send me your save file so that I can investigate?

I've also encountered this problem, I sent you the archive, but this archive is relatively large, more than 100m,

Thank you, I am downloading it, I will try to check it later today. Could you maybe tell me a specific way to test the issue in your save?
When the reservoir is pumped out with a pipeline, the flow rate of liquid output per second is very low

28 days ago

I don't have this issue, can you please send me your save file so that I can investigate?

I've also encountered this problem, I sent you the archive, but this archive is relatively large, more than 100m,

Thank you, I am downloading it, I will try to check it later today. Could you maybe tell me a specific way to test the issue in your save?

When the reservoir is pumped out with a pipeline, the flow rate of liquid output per second is very low

27 days ago
(updated 27 days ago)

Ok, I see the problem, and it's not caused by my mod, but by the new fluid system of Factorio 2.0.
With the new system, if a fluid container is filled less than 20%, pumping out fluid will get slower as it gets closer to 0%.
You put a crazy capacity on the storage (2 billion), so of course it will be extremely hard to empty if it stays very close to 0%.

Use a more reasonable and realistic capacity and it will be ok.

New response