Large Storage Tank

Adds a vanilla looking 5x5 storage tank with 100k capacity and 2 pipe connections on each side.

2 months ago
1.1 - 2.0
Fluids Storage

g Change the icon to match the real thing?

7 months ago

The item icon for the large tank provided by this mod, as well as the technology icon, are almost identical to the other mod tank mk2.
When I installed this module and opened the game, I even thought that there was a conflict and that the recipe had been replaced, but that was not the case.
The two icons are too similar. But it is clear that this icon belongs to the liquid storage tank mk2, which is 3×3 and has eight interfaces.
So, why should this mod also use almost the same icon, we can completely reduce the entity icon of the 5×5 large storage tank directly into the item icon and technology icon, isn't it good?
Or is it not? Is it really just a compatibility issue or am I reading it wrong?

5 months ago
(updated 5 months ago)

Sorry for the late reply!

I just uploaded a new version (1.1.0) with a better icon.

Thanks for bringing up that issue, you are right that mod really had very similar icons to mine, it seems we both had the same idea to edit the vanilla storage tank icon and ended up with something almost identical.
If you look them side by side the colors are a bit different, and the added pipes shifted by 2 pixels, but besides that they look the same.

New response