As of Jan 30, 2025, Metal and Stars mod is compatible with all of the planets in this pack. But it does lean a bit into the solar system level, as it currently adds 4 unique space locations, with plans to potentially add more in the future, so I'm leaning towards not adding it.
I'm very tempted to make a similar mod pack like this one, but that is more tailored to an actual gameplay experience.
Arrakis, the Protoss and Zerg planet mods would be first on the cutting block, as they add basically nothing of value. After that, I might cut either Muluna or Lignumis, possibly both, since they add quite a lot of extra fluff to the pre-space part of the game (which is not quite as interesting imo). That should also open the door to Any Planet Start compatibility, which I don't think is currently compatible with Lignumis (due to its hijacking of the player spawn during runtime), or Muluna (due to its hijacking of initial space science crafting). Metal and Stars would be a likely inclusion as well.
But considering many of the other planet mods are constantly in flux, or have plans to add more content, possibly breaking compatibility with each other, or with existing saves in general, I'm not sure I could finalize a modpack like that just yet. Even now, there are some interesting new planet mods releasing...