Krastorio 2 Compat

Modifies other mods to be more in-line with Krastorio 2 balance.

1 year, 1 month ago
0.18 - 1.1

i Add Deep Sea Oil from cargo ships

4 years ago

Would it be possible to add Deep Sea Oil patchs in Cargos Ship be more in line with K2.

Currently I'm using steinios unlasting oil but it doesn't allow for K2 pumpjacks to pump from the deep sea oil after being land filled. I also having to use the mod option in unlasting oil to reduce the amount of oil by a 1/10 to have the amount of oil match up with the displayed amount in map view.

4 years ago

Afaik you won't be able to see exact amount of oil on map because it display internal amount of "cycles" (which might not match a cycle pumpjack does!), which is controlled by infinite_depletion_amount property of resource prototype.

Anyway i will look into it.

4 years ago

I've added support, you can try it now

4 years ago

Looks to be working now thanks. Now I can remove that other mod .

New response