
Crafting efficiency for Krastorio2, space exploration and other associated mods

11 months ago

g Recipies missing

2 years ago

I don't see electronic components and electronic components with lithium.
Rare metals are only made from ore, and no refined recipies.
Copper no refined recipies
Iron no refined recipies
No recipies for cryonite, imersite, iridite, vitamelange, beryl and holmium.
No recipies for specialised science

2 years ago

Rare metals recipee names are - enriched-rare-metals which leads to rare-metals-2 and rare-metals-vulcanite. I guess we don't need efficiency on enriched part.
Copper second recipe is enriched-copper-plate. The most effective is made from smelting enriched and then making it into an ingot and then into plates. Ingot seems the best solution for enriching - recipee name is - se-copper-ingot (though it locks using faster recipies which are added by companion mods). Then maybe the smelting recipee - se-molten-copper
Iron is identical to copper, just swap copper to iron.
For components we have 2 recipies - electronic-components and electronic-components-lithium which is more effective but requires more diverse inputs (endgame recipee).

2 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)

I have the basic enriched recipes ready to release, and I will release those soon. I will add the others at some later point.

Also, I apprecaite you reporting these to me, while it is a work in progress, letting me know what Im missing will help me get it up to where it should be.

2 years ago

And i am very greatfull to you for doing this mod - i always liked Crafting Efficiency and playing SE-K2 i was to lazy to do it myself :)

2 years ago

Rocket and first space science packs are missing too.

2 years ago

Heavy Girder, Aeroframe scaffold, heavy shielding, mirrors (probably not worth it), heavy bearing, heavy composite (two latter use heavy girder, so might be not feasable too), cryonite rod, holmium cable, aeroframe pole and aeroframe bulkhead (and again three aeroframes are following in a succession and efficiency would be too ...efficient... if done on all three).
Lithium or lithium chloride.
Rocket control unit

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