Krastorio 2 Wind Turbine

This is simple extraction of the wind turbine from Krastorio 2 ( All credits go to original mod developers and maintainers: raiguard, Krastor and Linver. Thank you guys for this beautiful mod in general and this tiny cute turbine in particular. Added settings for power generation level

12 hours ago
1.1 - 2.0

i k2 Fusion

a month ago

can you extract the fusion reactor from k2, it looks way better than the vanilla one and k2 is taking forever to update :o

a month ago


I'm sorry, I'm afraid that would require extracting the whole production chains from the original mod which could upset fellow K2 modders

a month ago

It could have the same materials as the vanilla fusion to be crafted.
Do not need all the production chain it could use the vanilla fusion fuel cell replacing DT fuel cell.

a month ago

I'm sorry, but I don't feel like I'm going to do it. Turbine was taken as it is with only change in recipe. Fusion, if I would make it, should also be taken as it is which turns us to my previous answer. But you could ask other mod creators, there are plenty people here who extracted bits and pieces from K2 too.

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