Krastorio 2 Liquid Fuel

Adds a way of using vehicle fuel to produce power in gas burning plants.

9 months ago
Fluids Power

i Also for SE fuel??

10 months ago

Hey TheNextJake,

I tested your mod with SE/K2/BZ and it also works with the liquid generators from SE and the gas boiler from Brevvens BZ Modpack.

But would it be possible for you to convert the fuel from SE into liquid fuel? Since this only has 10MJ of energy, a conversion of 3 SE fuel to 20 of your liquid fuel would be necessary.

or a conversion recipe from SE Fuel to K2 Fuel? 3 to 2?



10 months ago
(updated 10 months ago)

SE's recent "balancing" of rocket fuel and biomethanol and how it made K2's Gas power plants basically useless is actually why I made this mod for own use.
I was thinking about adding a way to turn other fuels into the liquid one but decided that it'd be too unbalanced.

After more consideration i just added it as a [off by default] setting.

10 months ago


Thank you for the update.

SE fuel can be produced in two ways. The normal processing of coal in a fuel refinery or via solid fuel similar to K2 fuel.

You're right about the first way it's a bit... well... unbalanced. But I use the solid fuel recipe for the main part of the fuel supply for my trains. I've always asked myself what I'll do with the leftover stock if I ever switch to nuclear trains. I don't have normal burners for fuel anymore :)



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