jvmguy No Hand Crafting

by jvmguy

You can no longer craft anything as a player, you are all dependent on assemblers.

7 years ago


Version 0.15.0
Date 30.04.2017
    - Update to factorio 0.15
Version 0.13.1
Date 17.07.2016
    - Fixed not receiving machine on new game
Version 0.13.0
Date 09.07.2016
    - Migration to 0.13
Version 0.12.2
Date 22.11.2015
    - Migration to 0.12.11
Version 0.12.1
Date 16.8.2015
    - Migration to 0.12
Version 2.0.1
Date 3.7.2015
    - Debug simulation
Version 2.0.0
Date 31.5.2015
    - burner assembler can craft all recipe the player could craft by hand
    - burner assembler scale by itself
    - no longer use whitelist/blacklist system
  Explanations :
    While making this version, I made a auto-discovery system to analyse the
    game and I came in conclusion that it would be a bit dificult to create a
    generic system to select recipes that block the game progression, the system
    could still be used to analyse the game to show what can or can't be made in
    a complete playthrough, so I decided to make it to do so.

    Also the main reason I made this mod is not to create no crafting challenge
    2.0 but to consider the fact we are playing not as a craftsman but as an
    industrial engineer. One thing it permit is to force us to completely design
    factories for such type of items instead of crafting them by hand. So I take
    the decision that the burner assembler would have the possibility to craft
    everything the player could craft before.
Version 1.0.1
Date 6.3.2015
    - added back in burner assembling machine : iron-chest
    - added back in burner assembling machine : pipe-to-ground
    - added back in burner assembling machine : basic-mining-drill
    - added in burner assembling machine : oil-refinery
    - added in burner assembling machine : shotgun-shell
Version 1.0.0
Date 5.3.2015
    - Added a burner assembling machine
    - All enabled crafts from the start can be used in the burner assembling machine
    - removed in burner assembling machine : iron-chest
    - removed in burner assembling machine : pipe-to-ground
    - removed in burner assembling machine : basic-mining-drill
    - removed in burner assembling machine : basic-inserter
    - removed in burner assembling machine : science-pack-2
    - removed in burner assembling machine : radar
    - added in burner assembling machine : assembling-machine-1
    - added in burner assembling machine : assembling-machine-2
    - added in burner assembling machine : assembling-machine-2
    - added in burner assembling machine : submachine-gun
    - added in burner assembling machine : shotgun
    - All recipes can't be done by hands.