Just Another Greenhouse Mod

by Jakzie

Just another greenhouse mod. It makes wood from seeds and water. Seeds randomly drop from trees.

1 year, 6 months ago

i Improved recipe names and icons

1 year, 10 months ago
(updated 1 year, 10 months ago)


Thank you for the great mod, I like the simplicity of it, and the variety of the 3 different recipes which can result in some interesting designs beyond just continuously sticking seeds in a greenhouse.

I've included your mod in my mod X-Logistics, but I made some changes, some of which I'd like to suggest that you copy here :)

To view all these changes ingame, just load X-Logistics.

My main suggestion is to improve the recipe names and icons. The current icons are quite visually busy/cluttered and the names are not very vanilla-like. My new icon definitions are here and my suggested names are

jag-growing-normal=Tree growth  [or could be Basic tree growth]
jag-growing-fast=Accelerated tree growth
jag-growing-breed=Tree breeding

Other changes I've made that you could copy if you like (but are perhaps more changes then straight-up improvements) are

  • A new greenhouse technology to lock the greenhouse and recipes behind a red (or green?) science research. I still need to improve the tech icon so that the shadow doesn't make it go off-center (https://github.com/tburrows13/X-Logistics/blob/master/prototypes/greenhouse.lua#L4-L43)
  • Change the basic tree growth recipe to not always return seeds, whilst still returning a profit on average. This means that you need to be using tree breeding to grow a stockpile of seeds to stop yourself from running out if you get unlucky with the tree growth a few times (https://github.com/tburrows13/X-Logistics/blob/master/prototypes/greenhouse.lua#L71-L80)
  • Removed the starting seeds. I just don't think it is necessary, since you won't start growing trees for a bit, and by that point you'll have mined enough trees anyway to get a seed. I doubled the seed drop chance to compensate as well.
1 year, 10 months ago
(updated 1 year, 10 months ago)

I'm glad you like the mod and I'm also happy that you're using it as a dependency of yours.

As for your changes, I really like the icon and name improvements, so I will probably add those into the mod.

  • I didn't want to lock the greenhouse behind a technology, because I want it to be available for anyone at any point they may need it, regardless of which mods they have installed. But of course, if having it researchable works better with the spirit of your mod, you're free to make that addition there. Just be aware, that if there is some mod in the future, which counts on the greenhouse being available from the start, you will get an incompatibility with yours.
  • I guess this change of the basic recipe makes sense and forces you to actually think more about your greenhouse layout. I'll probably put this change into the mod too.
  • I'm not sure if they are necessary or not. I made the drop chance very low to prevent the player from stockpiling on seeds after cutting down a forest. My reason for the starting seeds was, that if your luck is very low, you may easily spend like 10 minutes just by cutting trees, just to get at least some seeds to start with. I may change it in the future, but I'll keep it like this for now.

Thanks for the feedback!

1 year, 10 months ago

That sounds perfectly reasonable, thanks for updating! Two other minor things:

I changed the description of the basic tree growth:

jag-growing-normal=Normal way to get wood. On average, returns slightly more seeds than are used.

And I didn't like the greenhouse recipe being in between assembling machines 1 and 2, so I changed the order:

local item = data.raw.item["jag-greenhouse"]
item.order = "d-d[greenhouse]"
1 year, 6 months ago

Changed both of these too now. Thanks.

New response