Jump and Swing

Add a jump button and a reworked grappling hook.

10 months ago
1 year, 1 month ago
Latest Version:
0.1.6 (10 months ago)
Factorio version:
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295 users

Jump and Swing

▶ Longer Demonstration

Also check out my Shattered Lands mod, for more interesting terrain to complement the grappling hook!

This mod replaces the movement mechanics of Earendel's grappling gun mod and adds a jump button. Unlike with the original grappling gun mod, with this one you can preserve your momentum and swing around. Preserving your momentum becomes a small challenge to keep movement interesting as you explore the world.

How to use

To jump, you need to unlock a technology and set up a hotkey, per default, the jump hotkeys are J and Mouse Button 4. To use the grappling gun, you need to unlock another technology to get the weapon and ammunition. Hold the shooting button of the grappling gun for as long as the hook should stay active. When you release the hook, you will jump automatically. The higher technology levels upgrade the grappling gun automatically. Experiment with the keybindings, I suggest using one of the mouse buttons and the space bar for the jump button and the shooting button, so you can reach both while holding the direction keys (WASD).


Some work towards compatibility with other mods has been done, but it is difficult in some places. Use frequent auto saves when using other mods that affect the player character, in particular the model or movement. If you come across issues with other mods that aren't listed below, feel free to ask (on the discussion page or on discord).

  • Other mods that enable fancy character movement might not work.
  • Mods that switch the character in runtime are not supported. A mod that swaps the character model before you start playing is probably fine, but if the character gets replaced while the game is running, then you will have problems.
  • Mods that teleport the player are not an issue, both to other surface and on the same surface. For example, factorissimo 2 and bilka's portal mod are fine.
  • Mods that affect movement speed of individual players like most rpg/leveling mods are incompatible and won't be made compatible. Mods that affect the movement speed of whole forces are fine, for example qol research. Mods that affect player movement through equipment or capsules are also fine.

Known incompatible:

  • Jetpack
  • Renai Transportation (player bouncepads, powerline hook)
  • miniMaxiME
  • Adaptive movement speed
  • Caffeine
  • RPG mods


This mod relies on graphics of the grappling gun mod and contains modified parts of the source code of the jetpack and grappling gun mod, with permission from Earendel.

Notes for mod makers

This mod can provide an interface so that it is easier to create other movement mods while also keeping them compatible. For example sliding across ice, floating across water, gliding with a parachute, all while being able to jump, grapple etc. As this hasn't been used yet, it is only slightly more than half done. Contact me if you would like to use this.