Jump and Swing

Add a jump button and a reworked grappling hook.

1 year, 1 month ago


Character switching

To put the player into a jumping/floating state, the character has to be replaced with another character that doesn't collide with entities, can't walk and is animated differently. There is no easy way to do this, we have to create a completely new character and copy all the properties by hand, then delete the old character. This works surprisingly well in general, but tthere are a few API limitations at the moment, which leads to some weirdness. For example, we can't access firing cooldown, so when you jump while shooting, the firing cooldown is reset and the player shoots again.

List of issues caused by API limitations for swapping the character. These are considered wontfix bugs for this mod until the API is extended.

  • Crafting queue - sometimes there are less automatically queued intermediates in the queue after swapping the character
  • Firing cooldown is reset upon swapping the character
  • The last built location is not saved, so e.g. when dragging power poles and jumping, a pole is built instantly instead of at maximum range.