Intermediate Bulk Containers

Adds three new barrel items to incrementally increase fluid storage and shipping via warehouse, trains, trucks, and robots.

3 years ago
0.17 - 1.1

g Space Exploration

3 years ago

Please add Space Exploration support. Its recipie for recycling facility or delivery canon. Or both.

3 years ago

The barrel pallets and plastic containers would not survive a trip by delivery cannon. The steel containers may, and there should be recycling recipes added for all of them. I'll work on that as soon as my current project is done if it isn't done yet.

3 years ago

I've knocked a plastic tote off of a truck before, and it definitely wasn't pretty. I can't imagine what shooting one out of a cannon will do.
I'm definitely not going to try it.
Real talk, I don't mod much. If someone else wants to update it, or help me update it, I'll post the update and tag them as a collaborator.

3 years ago

Adding recycling recipes however would be a good idea.

3 years ago
(updated 3 years ago)

I've knocked a plastic tote off of a truck before, and it definitely wasn't pretty. I can't imagine what shooting one out of a cannon will do.
I'm definitely not going to try it.
Real talk, I don't mod much. If someone else wants to update it, or help me update it, I'll post the update and tag them as a collaborator.

where can I send you changes?

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