Instant Personal Logistics

by OkkaOk

Makes personal logistic requests and trash collection happen instantly

6 months ago
Logistic network Cheats

g Cursor clearing bug

6 months ago

When global transfer is enabled and the user is not in any logistic network, the cursor clears every time a transfer is attempted (2 seconds by default). By the cursor I mean if you are holding an item in your hand, it goes away and you have to get it back. I don't know why this happens since it isn't consistent, but turning off this setting fixed it for me.

6 months ago

Great catch!
Sorry for taking almost a week to respond :)

Was pretty weird going back to my 8 month old code trying to find the issue but I think I got it!
If you find any more issues or have some ideas feel free to tell me :)

6 months ago

haha nice its allg, im surprised you even saw it because i didnt get notifications from this website myself. mod worked great with it turned off too so it was chill

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