Infused Science (forked)

Forked version of mod again, updated to 1.1.90 and up. Adds an infused version of every (even modded) science pack, which every infinite technology will require. Infused versions are made by combining the original with space science pack and some raw resources. This increases complexity and cost of endgame research. Inspired by More Science mod.

1 year, 4 months ago
Mining Fluids Manufacturing

b Compatibility

1 year, 4 months ago

Possible bug: I added your mod and this showed up on start: Failed to load mods. Error in assingedID: item with name 'infused-military-science-pack' does not exist. It was removed by infused-science-forked-again.
Source: incinerate_military-science-pack (recipe).
Seems to be a conflict between these two.

1 year, 4 months ago

Hey thanks for pointing this out, ill see if I can do anything, no promises, can you please link which mod youre referring to?

In my testing of HardCrafting 1 and 2 it seems to load fine, just no bonus modded packs.
Are you trying to add it to a game save in progress? Do you have any other tech tree altering mods added?
As is I cant reproduce the error easily.


1 year, 4 months ago

hard crafting is the mod i was talking about. whether there is another mod conflicting with it. it did not say. thanks for the mod.

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