Infinity rocket silo

by Quezler

Fulfills orbital requests instantly and for free.

a month ago
Factorio: Space Age Icon Space Age Mod
Blueprints Cheats

i Dummy Launcher?

4 days ago

So, I'm looking for kinda the opposite behaviour. I use Editor Extensions to plan out factories before I build them on my real play area but I'm frustrated that I can't use a rocket silo in my testing. For example, I'm making a Fulgora factory and making rocket parts part of it, but I can't get the silo to CONSUME the parts after the initial 2 rockets are built, because there is nowhere for the rockets to launch to in the editor mode. Would it be possible to make a version of the silo that would automatically launch a rocket to nowhere every time the silo has a full cargo hold?

3 days ago

do you also need it to wait/allow any items to load, or do you just need constructed rockets to launch?

3 days ago

went ahead and made this mod:

just set the multiplier to like a million or something and your rocket silos will keep crafting for the forseeable future.

3 days ago

oh great the capital CONSUME grabbed my attention so i thought you just wanted silos to not get clogged up by parts, only now reading the cargo hold thing :D

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