Infinite Quality Tiers

Unlimited gambling! Adds a postgame infinite technology with infinite tiers of quality.

5 days ago
Factorio: Space Age Icon Space Age Mod

g Quality above 100% not working correctly.

21 days ago
(updated 21 days ago)

Crafting things in a machine above 100% quality does not always upgrade. It is stated that quality above 100% starts to skip tiers, but sometimes it does not change quality at all, and even loses quality tiers at times.

Edit: Finally got a screenshot of it link is

...also I meant for this to be posted as a bug report not in general discussions.

18 days ago
(updated 18 days ago)

I have tested and can confirm having over 100% does not always skip tiers. I have an assembly machine crafting normal steel to normal steel chest, with 766% quality. I would expect that to skip at least 7 tiers but after running for awhile I have got: 2.4k uncommon (23.5%), 7.1k rare (69.6%), 718 epic (6.96%), 71 (0.696%) legendary, and 8 in total for everything after legendary. 10200 items in total. 77.4% is rare and above

I believe the calculation is baked into the code and not part of the mod. There is a fixed 10% to upgrade to next tier. Meaning, we get 100% to get uncommon, then 76.6% (766 * 0.1) to get rare and above (close enough to the number above), then 7.66% for epic and above, and this keeps going.

MEANING, if we want to skip tiers, it's 100% for the first tier, 1000% for the next one, 10000% for the next one. I have tested with 1000% and it skips exactly 2 tiers minimum. Unfortunately, there is a cap on quality%, around 3600%

18 days ago

to expand my comment above, with 1010.8% quality, I get 16k rare, 1.6k epic, 156 legendary, 19 above legendary

14 days ago

It is possible to change the skip chance, see my mod "No More Gambling", but of course this also changes the tier skip chances when below 100%