Inbuilt Lighting

Adds free lighting to power poles and optionally turrets as a QOL feature. Intended for map/zoomed out view and streaming/YouTube pre night vision. Blueprint friendly as they are regular power poles.

1 year, 2 months ago
0.16 - 1.1

i [Implimented] Configurable brightness

5 years ago

The built-in brightness of 0.6 is great for just being able to see everything and showing off a factory on a stream, but it does have the unfortunate effect of rendering lamps pointless and overpowering other lighting effects like train signals, heat pipes, and other glowing machines.

Changing the setting to 0.2 still allows me to see where I'm going in my factory and provides a visual contrast between factory and wilderness, but also lets me see all the pretty effects.

Have you considered adding a setting to allow players to choose the brightness that suits their needs?

5 years ago


I came here to see if there was yet a request for this, and here it is.

4 years ago

moved to github so I hopefully see it when next updating older mods