Inbuilt Lighting

Adds free lighting to power poles and optionally turrets as a QOL feature. Intended for map/zoomed out view and streaming/YouTube pre night vision. Blueprint friendly as they are regular power poles.

1 year, 2 months ago
0.16 - 1.1

b Resolved - Doesn't work with Early Construction bot mod

5 years ago

:It reacts when entities are placed in the game via standard actions" - do those "standard actions" include placement by construction bots? If so, it doesn't work - neither modded Early Construction bots nor vanilla Construction Bots place a light source when placing power pole (I tested it on vanilla wooden pole). This is IMHO the only thing keeping this mod from being great.

5 years ago

Oh, it did do in 16. Will have to recheck.
Your not using any other mods that affect how things are placed like creative mode mod I assume?

5 years ago
(updated 5 years ago)

So in 0.17.17 with no mods using construction bots from a roboport to place small power poles light up correctly.
tested with default mod settings: the lights having 0 power usage.

Tested with the Early Construction bits and it does indeed not work. Will have a look at what that mod is doing that is none vanilla to see how to progress.

5 years ago

The Early Construction bot mod doesn't raise a built event for when the robot replaces the ghost with a real entity. raised with other mod author:

As without this event being raised my mod doesn't know that the custom construction bot has buitl the power pole.

5 years ago

Okay, I again tested vanilla bots (modded don't work and it's clear why so that;s okay). Vanilla bots work as intended, it's quite possible that when I was testing before, that by the time I was switching from testing modded to vanilla, the night ended and inbuilt lights were simply turned off -.-.
Thank you for fast response though.

5 years ago

As I also mentioned on the post that was brought up on my mod page, I've implemented a workaround that makes it work. My response there has a bit more detail.

5 years ago

thanks, your workaround of the Factorio bug/oddity confirmed working :)