Inbuilt Lighting

Adds free lighting to power poles and optionally turrets as a QOL feature. Intended for map/zoomed out view and streaming/YouTube pre night vision. Blueprint friendly as they are regular power poles.

1 year, 2 months ago
0.16 - 1.1

b red plus bug - resolved

6 years ago

whenever i demolish one of the lighted poles from this mod it leaves a red plus on the ground that cant be removed and i cant place anything there. disabling the mod removes them.

6 years ago

How are you removing the pole and which mods do you have installed?
Also are you on the latest mod version?
As mods that remove the poles I have to add support for individually.

5 years ago

this issue was never confirmed further, however a change made for blueprint wire support should have removed whatever issue this post related to.

5 years ago

i solved the problem weeks ago and forgot to come back. it had nothing to do with this mod. apologies.

5 years ago

No problems, thanks for update