Idle crafter

Automatically handcrafts items or recipes, while nothing else is crafted. Queues one at a time, so manual handcrafts get operated asap. Items or recipes can be specified in mod settings per player

2 years ago
2 years ago
Latest Version:
0.0.2 (2 years ago)
Factorio version:
Downloaded by:
328 users

Automatically handcrafts items or recipes, while nothing else is crafted. Queues one at a time, so manual handcrafts get operated asap.
Items or recipes can be specified in mod settings per player

The settings has to look like this:
stone-pipe=15, stone-pipe-to-ground=2, sb-cellulose-foraging
(In order to find this internal name of an item or recipe, you can press F4 and select the debug option "show-debug-option-in-tooltips", If you hover over an item or recipe, you can see it in the tooltip)

This means:
Crafts item or recipe "stone-pipe" until at least 15 pieces are existing.
Then crafts item or recipe "stone-pipe-to-ground" until at least 2 pieces are existing.
Since the pipe-to-ground has consumed the 10 pipes, the first item gets queued again to fill up to 15
After that, craft the recipe "sb-cellulose-foraging" infinitely

Any handcraft during this crafting procedure gets queued as next. But since the idle crafting recipes are queued one by one, you don't have to wait long, unless, you let craft a very long lasting recipe

If you want to let craft a complex item, which takes long, it might be wise, to let the ingredients be crafted before individually
f.e. 1 assembler: you can also craft 5 gears and 3 circuits before crafting 1 assembler
This way, you can interrupt the process more responsive with regular handcrafting.