Icon Badges Groups

A library, to be a bridge between Icon Badges and mods that have overhaul-specific data. Adds player settings.

6 months ago


Version: 0.2.03
Date: 2024-06-11
  Major Features:
    - Added types for Nullius.
    - Added ability for import-table to accept numbers and convert to strings. Allowed optional quotation marks in header.
    - Added convert badges that are 1-9 to strings.
    - Added several if global doesn't exist, define it, to reduce irrelevant error messages.
    - I am are aware of the 10k of Warnings about Prototypes in the log file when run in vscode with fmtk. This only happens when run in debug mode. It's on my list to fix, but suspect it's out of my control.
Version: 0.2.02
Date: 2024-06-06
  Major Features:
    - Ready for release.
Version: 0.2.01
Date: 2024-06-05
  Major Features:
    - Separated into icon-badges-groups (a library) and icon-badges-groups-modpack (data and library calls).
Version: 0.1.04
Date: 2024-02-13
  Major Features:
    - First Beta Release.
    - Barelling done.
  Minor Features:
    - much proof-reading done
    - back to csv method, one line per item per badgegroup
Version: 0.1.03
Date: 2024-02-11
  Major Features:
    - Works with IB's new function Build_badges, instead of adding properties to  prototypes.
    - Uses pcall() to log error message when Build_badges fails, and keep running.
    - Change the format of bigtable multiple times. Last one was one line per badgegroup per prototype.
    - Oops, not releasing this one either. There's an even better way to manage the data.
Version: 0.1.02
Date: 2024-01-06
  Major Features:
    - It compiles, but the badges aren't as expected. Some items don't have badges at all, even though they have 1-3-letter badges. Some have only the first letter.
    - Replaced bigtable with cvs-like file, complete with tips for editing in spreadsheet.
    - Changed how settings work for the badge groups.
    - Fix the position. All should be right-top, because SB puts other information in all other corners.
    - Fix the items that have badgegroup _broken. Hopefully it's just typos.
    - Do the recipes that don't take icons from main_product. Leave this until after icons from all items and fluids are working.
    - Activate two badge groups for science: color and Name.
    - Make the settings startup and by player, if possible.
Version: 0.1.01
Date: 2024-01-30
  Major Features:
    - newmod
    - icon-badges still objects to several SB items. I was able to fix some, but Galdoc will have to do the next one.
    - replace bigtable with cvs compatible, and tips for libreoffice