Better-Power-Armor-Grid - I also use it on MP and it works for me, but I have the 1.0.0 quality version on the map. I'll try MP with version 1.0.2 in my next game.
As I said, I made significant changes in version 1.0.1. The only thing I can think of right now is to try setting a different quality mod (not All with 40 Q, but only the 9-10 Q ones). However, I didn't change anything in the 40 Q mod that would break it, so if you're using that one, I don't think there's a problem with the quality mod.
Another thing I can think of. Try quality version 1.0.2. Load the map in single, save it. And have your friend download version 1.0.2 as well and only then try loading the map for MP. here should be no desync now