Hostile Trees

Makes trees hate you and your factory. They will do bad things to you and your factory.

2 months ago
Enemies Environment

g Game crashes in Multiplayer

4 months ago
(updated 4 months ago)

non-recoverable error. Here is part of the error log.

Error while running event hostile-trees::on_entity_died (ID 4)
LuaEntity doesn't contain key position7.
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'index'
/modules/retaliation.lua:105: in function 'get_valid_target'
hostile-trees/modules/retaliation.lua:112: in function 'check_for_minor_retaliation'
hostile-trees/modules/retaliation.lua:262: in function 'tree_died'
hostile-trees/modules/on_entity_died.lua:8: in function <hostile-trees/modules/on_entity_died.lua:6>
10367.431 Error ClientMultiplayerManager.cpp:100: MultiplayerManager failed: "The mod Hostile Trees (0.2.5) caused a non-recoverable error.
Please report this error to the mod author.

4 months ago

Is there mods that are known to cause a desync?

2 months ago

I'm back from the dead. Dunno about other mods, probably not. I'll take a look.

2 months ago

Oh whoops. It's a typo. Goddamnit, it's been broken this whole time. I'll post a working version in just a moment.

2 months ago

Should be fixed now. Sorry.

New response