Homeworld Redux

by Silari

Supply resources to your homeworld so that civilization can be restored. Update of Homeworld mod, originally by ljdp

2 months ago
0.15 - 2.0
Mining Manufacturing

i Feedback

2 years ago

This mod adds complexity in a strange and mostly tedious way.
- Farm: Takes forever to grow, love it! But it's not a "mine/factory", it grows via script, ergo doesn't work well with recipe search mods (FNEI), doesn't have a progress bar, etc.
- Ratios are all wanky: Farm grows 4 types of items, some of them will be useless and you have to pile them up - not a fun mechanic since there isn't a good solution. At least add a recipe for biofuel or something to get a sink for excess wine, hops and vegetables.
- Sand is a nightmare, since it's required for some of the products for homeworld you ship en-masse - but there is so little of it you spend most of your time re-placing mines and hunting for more resources - cannot be automated, not fun. Make the patches more dense and smaller / add another way of getting it. Also sand doesn't show on terrain, which makes it terrible to guess where the mines should go.
- I would appreciate a "now grow" / "stop growing" button since each tier vastly changes consumed items and the speed at which they are consumed. For immersion and lore, it would be nice to say "I can support 10k of you guys now, but not more" than to have the periodic near-extinction event when stuff runs out... again.
- Generally try to provide (late game) solutions for finite resources (like you did with synthetic wood from plastics). Sand from stone would be great - as a yellow science research for instance.
- I'm a bit torn on the idea that homeworld techs up and stops using some of the basic resources... I guess either go all in and add some way for the player to freeze growth until he's ready or simply keep all the requests even on higher levels. That being said, many recipes are so annoying to make that they basically require a megabase (beer, construction material) or need to be skipped.
- Distillery is pointless, since it's basically a chemical plant. Please use a chemical plant, and please prefer new recipes over scripted production.
- Love the sawmills

All that being said, I'm still having fun on tier 5/6 after 40hrs with homeworld on a death world.

2 years ago

Keep in mind I'm not the original author, I just ported it to newer versions after someone on reddit requested it. All the core stuff is from the original version, and I've tried not to change it too much. If I had made it, I would have instead just have the requirements be categories - calories, energy, materials, etc. The exact items wouldn't matter, but later items would provide more value for the materials used. Too much work though to rebuild the mod from the ground up.

I did change sand to not spawn on top of every sand tile in the game, and I THINK I rebalanced the amounts to be much more dense to account for that, but it's possible to not have a lot if there's not a ton of sand tiles. Might be worth a startup setting to make sand patches less common but infinite. I also had an idea a long time ago to make the sand collector work more like the farm, where it didn't require resources but generated an amount based on the nearby tiles, but never got around to it.

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