Homeworld Redux

by Silari

Supply resources to your homeworld so that civilization can be restored. Update of Homeworld mod, originally by ljdp

2 months ago
0.15 - 2.0
Mining Manufacturing

g [DONE]How to make BuildingMaterials?

6 years ago

Running Factorio 0.16.51 and this mod. Got to Tier 4/6 and it's time to make Building Materials but i cannot find any way to make them. They do not come up as a selection in anything you can make something with!

6 years ago

They require Concrete to be researched first, as that's an ingredient. Just made by hand or assembler.

6 years ago

All tech is researched. So that's not the issue. What i'm saying is in the GUI that pops up to either hand craft or recipe for the assembler, neither "Building Materials" or the "phone" are available. https://imgur.com/a/mnsH7yu

6 years ago

Are you running any other mods? Check the Concrete and Battery techs to see if the concrete and portable electronic items are listed.

Was Homeworld installed mid-game? The two you're missing are both from vanilla techs - if they were researched prior to installing the mod their recipes may not have been activated, though the mod is supposed to account for that. Save your game and run '/c game.player.force.reset_recipes()' - you'll probably have to do it twice since you'll get a warning about disabling achievements for that save (so don't save your game afterwards if you care about achievements). Check if the recipes are working after that.

6 years ago

Under tech, Concrete contains BM, and Battery contains PE. So, that's good!

Ran the command but it did not work. I uninstalled all mods as well to make sure none of them were conflicting.

Note: I did install the mod at endgame (just completed SpaceX Marathon twice) so maybe that is the issue :-(

6 years ago

Yeah that's what I thought. You're probably missing quite a few other recipes as well - when I added the code to give a homeworld portal on mod load, I forgot to add code to also give the handful of recipes that unlock with vanilla tech if they were already researched.

Updating to 0.16.10 should fix it and give you any recipes you're missing.

6 years ago

That did the trick! Thank you for your time helping me and thank you for this FUN mod!!!! :-)

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