Helmod: Assistant for planning your factory

by Helfima

Assistant for planning your factory. Can calculate required ingredients, products, machines, modules, and beacons. Can also calculate power production / consumption.

2 months ago
0.14 - 2.0

g Question: Beacons not all using the same config?

2 years ago

Currently when planning production, all beacons attached to a structure are forced to have the same Module inventory. Is it possible to let the player select multiple groups of beacons? Here's an example:

I have a building surrounded by 12 beacons, worth 24 slots total. Let's say I want to have 10 Beacons with Productivity modules worth 20 Productivity Modules total and 2 Beacons with Speed modules worth 4 Speed Modules total, regardless of what's in the building itself. Currently, I can't do that. I can have 24 Productivity, 24 Speed or 12/12 Productivity Speed. At least, I don't know how to achieve this. I did experiment using Beacon Priority, but this seems to apply to multiple production steps, and won't apply to the same building.

Am I missing something? Or is this just not something I can do?

2 years ago

Add the same recipe multiple times. Then you can apply different modules to each line. Put the block in Compute by Factory mode so you can tell it how many of each type you're using.

2 years ago
(updated 2 years ago)

But it's all the same line, though. I'm using squares of Beacons around each factory. I may be following your advise incorrectly, but it seems like I can only set up two different lines with a full set of beacons. From the example above - I can set up one line that uses 20 Productivity Modules and a separate one which uses 4 Speed modules, but I can't set up a line which uses 20 Productivity AND 4 Speed modules. Adding the same recipe multiple times doesn't seem to allow me to have both recipes affected by the same Beacons. Unless I'm missing something?

Basically, it seems like ALL Beacons in a line HAVE to use the exact same Module inventory as each other. I don't see a way to say "10 Beacons with 2 Productivty each and 2 Beacons with 2 Speed each, for a total of 12 Beacons".

It's probably worth showing an example. Can I plan for something like this?


2 years ago

Productivity in beacons? That's ... unusual!
I'll have to experiment later and get back to you. I suspect there's no way to do this sorry.

2 years ago

Productivity in beacons? That's ... unusual!

I use the "productivity in beacons" mod, but hat was just an example. It could very easily be 10 Beacons with Speed Modules and two with Efficiency Modules. Or any other combination of modded modules. My issue right now is that all modules on the same line have to have the exact same inventory, because each line has only a single entry for beacon inventory. This works for a smaller number of Beacons, but starts to break down with 12 or more.

I'm experimenting with larger structures which can support up to 20 beacons, and those start to cap out production stats regardless of what I pick. It's not easy to tile, but that's an issue for me to solve while building it. I'd like to know if it's actually worth doing before I start :)

Thank you for having a look, regardless. If Helmod already has an option for it, I'd love to use it.

2 years ago

No, it doesn't seem possible to do this currently sorry. I've logged it here for future development.


2 years ago

Thank you kindly :) I know this is an odd request, but I've wanted to do this a few times and always just given up. Hoping to have this option with Helmod. Thanks for taking a look.

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