Heavy Freight

by GrimerX

Increases fuel consumption and decreases acceleration/braking to make trains feel more heavy and have a cost to running them. Does not change the actual weight of trains.

3 years ago
0.16 - 1.1

g 0.18?

4 years ago

Are you updating the mod to 0.18? Does anybody else have a fix?

4 years ago

Let me give it a try after work today. I haven't kept up on modding changes in 0.18 but hopefully it's just a version update.

If you want to try yourself in the meantime, replace info.json with this:

"name": "heavyfreight",
"version": "0.2.0",
"factorio_version": "0.18",
"title": "Heavy Freight",
"author": "GrimerX",
"description": "Makes trains run slower and consume more fuel.",
"homepage": "n/a",
"date": "6.1.2019",
"dependencies": ["base", "? boblogistics", "? angelsaddons-petrotrain", "? angelsaddons-smeltingtrain", "? cargo-ships", "? Realistic_Electric_Trains"]

4 years ago

Updated with basic testing. Let me know if it gives you any troubles.

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