
by Kubius

Adds a toolbox and consumable tools to speed up your manual crafting.

3 months ago
1.1 - 2.0
1 year, 7 months ago
Latest Version:
0.3.0 (3 months ago)
Factorio version:
1.1 - 2.0
Downloaded by:
1.02K users



The core of Handcrafted. Equipped like a weapon, the Toolbox will speed up your crafting when actively held, if it has hand tools in it (keep reading to see how that works).

Hand Tools

"Ammunition" for the Toolbox. When an item starts manually crafting while these are loaded in a Toolbox you're actively holding, some of the "ammo" in the stack will be consumed to skip part of its crafting time.

One "ammo" is used up for each second of energy in the pre-acceleration recipe, rounded up to the nearest integer - small intermediary components will tend to proportionally churn through more durability than large finished products.

Basic and power hand tools are currently included; basic tools are available very quickly and give a 35% skip for up to 160 seconds of recipes (a minimum of 28 seconds saved, maximum of 56), while power tools are slightly more complex but provide a 60% skip for up to 240 seconds of recipes (a minimum of 72 seconds saved, maximum of 144).

Performance and Mod Interactions

While Handcrafted's crafted item detection loop runs frequently (once every 4 ticks by default), more in-depth checks are automatically deferred until the state of the crafting queue has changed, keeping the mod's contribution to update time relatively low in most cases.

Since Handcrafted directly accelerates individual crafting instances, its crafting speed bonus interacts multiplicatively with mods that change the baseline crafting rate of the player, and should (at least in theory!) not disrupt their functionality.

If you encounter other crashes or seemingly malfunctioning interactions, please report them.