Equipment train stop

by Quezler

Update the equipment grid of your trains by driving past it.

28 days ago
1.1 - 2.0

g Chest overstocks with requests

1 year, 23 days ago

From what I can gather, the train stop will fill equipment grid with items from the 'Equipment train stop templates' chest.

If an any item is missing from that template, it will request a delivery of the entire template list of items. This causes extra requests for items it already has. In trying to fill locomotive equipment grid with Two RTGs and Six Engines I noticed when I was short on RTGs, the station would request an additional 6 engines every time a train passed over. (even though it had PLENTY in the chest already)

Its a great system, I just think the logistic request needs to check to see if the items already reside in the chest before ordering more.

1 year, 23 days ago

yea i implemented this support in a hurry for compatibility with my interplanetary delivery turrets, I'll look into not requesting what's already in the chest

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