Fun Mode

by exfret

The ultimate factorio meme mod. Filled with 100+ cursed gameplay changes, such as replacing small electric poles with big ones, causing coal to burn into fish, and adding more yummy science packs to slurp. Now with 100% more green!

19 days ago
1.1 - 2.0

b Mod update resets sacrifices

23 days ago

It's pretty much the title. Updated mod version to 1.0.0 and all previously crafted sacrifices have to be done again.

This happened before at least once, but I wasn't sure whether I was hallucinating that. The first time it was before sacrificing Oil springs, so it's more of a deal now. :/
I still have the savefile though, I'll just fork it and design a couple blueprints in the meanthyme.

23 days ago

You can use the old version maybe, not much has changed in the recent update. I'm not sure how to fix this, but if I update again, I'll ask in modding-help how to stop this, since it is annoying. I had to deal with it during testing as well.

Very sorry for the inconvenience.

22 days ago

Tanks got a lot cheaper, but I guess you'll have the next version out before I'm progressed far enough to need them much.

22 days ago

No, there's not really a next version coming unless it's minor fixes or updating the supporter fish. The version on the mod portal is basically the final version of the mod.

22 days ago

Great to hear you're done with the mod. :)
It's still a while out before I will make the next science packs though. Purple and Yellow are so resource intense, I should expand beyond my starter patch before attempting them. At least in the base game.

21 days ago

Yeah, with fun mode starter patches it makes sense to expand early, but you probably won't need more than one, maybe two patches afterward due to some of the techs down the tree.

21 days ago

Still haven't placed military and blue science blueprints :/
Next thing after that is probably a perimeter. Planned on using Flamethrowers for the first time, but the menu simulations have shown me they're FUN turrets now. Guess I'll stick with Gun turrets.
(I think I have the naming wrong. Gun turrets are renamed to FUN turrets, and Flamethrowers something else, no?)

21 days ago

Flamethrowers are still flamethrowers, they're just more FUN. And they're still usable but definitely pretty nerfed.

21 days ago

Oh and I want to add that the pollution absorption is increased so deleting nearby nests is actually a viable strat. Just a secret gift I left in so that people don't spend too much time on biters.

21 days ago

Looking at my pollution cloud, I wasn't sure whether it was my slow production or something done with the map. Like the huge amount of dead trees lol
Anyway, have been playing with 600% starting area :)

21 days ago

You shouldn't need a perimeter then! Spend more time worrying about the real FUN!

21 days ago

I guess so, but once I have automated the first four science packs I want to feel more safe.

21 days ago

btw, why do tanks not require tanks as an ingredient? ;)

19 days ago

You make some good points sir/madam

19 days ago

I just updated the mod, but didn't change any fish recipes this time so I don't think they'll reset but let me know if they do if you end up updating.

18 days ago

After asking on the mod forums... yes, it indeed resets the lab prod bonus every time... I would not recommend updating Thyme since I only added some supporter fish like you. Oops

New response